Admission to The British Institute of Professional Photography
I'm delighted to have been admitted to Licentiateship of the British Institute of Professional Photography (BIPP) in the Commercial Photography category.
Unlike many other institutes & societies, the BIPP maintain a strict entry criteria involving portfolio review by an expert panel, rather than simply paying an annual fee.
The recognition of excellence by an expert panel of my peers is really important to me. It validates the hard work in striving to provide the very best quality of image and level of service. It also provides confirmation of the positive direction the development of my photography is taking.
For my Clients, both current & future, it's a powerful, impartial assurance of the quality they are guaranteed when they utilise my services.
BIPP Portfolio March 2107
Being a professional photographer sometimes feels like swimming against an ever stronger tide in maintaining the highest of standards and so receiving recognition is important in maintaining that effort, especially when it's by experts within the same field. The sheer accessibility of good quality cameras (from smartphones to dSLRs) and the ability to instantly reach a huge audience has resulted in an acceptance of reduced quality. How many times do we see mediocre or even poor photographs receive praise from an audience that knows no better?
I'm very proud to receive positive feedback and glowing testimonials on an almost daily basis as well as work with a range of Clients with whom I continually work to develop & improve my imagery.
Admission to Licentiateship therefore reinforces and validates the feedback and confirms I'm going in the right direction. Find out more about The BIPP here